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Kaneki's Father

Japanese name : Unknown


Species : Human


Status : Deceased


Gender : Male


Birthday : Unknown


Star Sign : Unknown


Age : Unknown


Height : Unknown


Relatives : Ken Kaneki's mother (wife)

                   Ken Kaneki (son)

                   Ken Kaneki's aunt (sister-in-law)

                   Yuuichi Asaoka (nephew-in-law)

Kaneki's Father




Ken Kaneki's father was an avid reader and had lots of books. He died when Kaneki was 4 years old, so Kaneki doesn't remember his face very well.


However, Kaneki back then began to wonder what kind of person his father was. He started reading the books his father once had. It was strangely calming for Kaneki, and so were the scent of the old books. This is considered the reason as to why Kaneki began to like books so much


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